In Courtney, Shannon's and my elective - Challenge Accepted - we have been teaching the students about leadership and how to be a good follower.  We have designed all kinds of challenges for them to tackle, and have encouraged them to think up creative solutions that are within the rules but bend them.  Two week's ago, we asked students to create their own challenges, specifically by taking elements of the challenges we have already done, and making something new and improved. 

This past week, we di three of the students' challenges.  There were three group leaders, each with their own small group to lead.  These groups had to design the challenge, troubleshoot, envision how it would run, and help us set it up before elective. 

The first challenge went great and turned out to be probably the most successful day we have had in that elective all summer.  The leader did a great job of conceptualizing something challenging but simple and easy to understand and execute.  Students were put in pairs.  One student was blindfolded, the other could not talk. They had to walk to the center of the gym, go around the center circle, and return to the start in under a minute.  By the third attempt, the students were crossing the line with some of their fastest times.

The second challenge was pretty much a least in practice.  The leader actually did a great job of planning, running his group, explaining the challenge, and just generally being enthusiastic about it.  However, the challenge he envisioned was so complicated that no one really understood it and we had to stop it halfway through to debrief.  It was basically chaos, but we learned an important take home message - sometimes, no matter how thoroughly we plan, things might not go how we hoped they would.

The third challenge...well, I was scared.  It was sure to be the most complicated of the three, and after the challenge 2 disaster, I was a little leery.  Although the students were a little confused, they dove right in and gave it a whirl.  I think it helped that there were dodge balls involved.  By the third run through, things were going pretty smooth, and although they did not successfully complete the mission, they seemed to have a lot of fun doing it.

There was one moment during this third challenge - which was to carry two "wounded" soldiers to safety - when one of the students (blue shorts) and one of the volunteers and former Summerbridge students (green shorts) pick up the wounded soldier and straight up sprint her to the other side.  I lost it.  My loud, booming voice and laugh burst across the audio, which makes me laugh even more when I watch it.  I just thought that was the funniest thing.  Then, the student gets nailed with a dodge ball when he tries to go back and get the other wounded soldier.  Classic.

I just love these kinds of moments.  We get to take kids into a gym, give them some dodge balls, some space to run, and some objectives, and they just go to town.  Even though this activity might appear silly to an outsider, I really believe that the students learned some important lessons about life.  They created the challenge, planned it, set it up, implemented it, and analyzed what worked and didn't work.  They shared their ideas about the roles they played, what was frustrating, and what they did well.  I don't think there is a substitute for throwing the students into an activity, telling them to use their brains and deal with what they are given, and letting them get their hands dirty.  They don't get nearly enough of this kind of learning in their regular schools, which makes me all the more thankful to be a part of a program that sees this activity as a valuable learning experience. 
Date Taken: 6/6/12

Setting: Old City

Thoughts: Well, here are two more dogs that I want to save and can't.  Brian and I keep walking into or around animal shelters and pet stores.  Every time I see animals in cages, it breaks my heart.  I just feel so horrible when I see them crammed into a confined space with so little love and petting, so little attention.  They watch people watch them, all day, every day.  It hurts my soul. 

We saw these two little pretties - Hip and Hop - one day when we were walking through the city.  After several days of seeing and talking about them, I finally went in and pet them a bit then saw them out on their morning walk.  They were such sweet pups, so friendly, so docile.  I wanted to smuggle them out under my shirt...but I figured that was probably frowned upon. 

We also found this awesome video of kitties in a bowl, looking at something, simultaneously. 

Now, at random times, Brian and I will shout in a semi-high pitched voice - Hip and Hop and a bowl full of synchronized kitties!! 

It makes us feel good.  Sometimes it's just nice to shout random things and laugh. 

The Dean: "Why don't we let Britta, sing her awkward song."

I'm pretty sure that is exactly what my friends were always thinking when I started in on a new song I made up...

I'm not saying these are flattering pictures of me...but, they are pictures...of me. 

All I can say is, I'm not ashamed.  It made people laugh.  I felt hot.  Brown is amazing.  Lafayette sucks. 

Like Britta, I:

-am a raging feminist
-want to save all the kitties and all the puppies
-sing my heart's song
-like brown spandex suits
-am sassy
-don't understand conventional feminine practices.

I think I am basically a cross between Liz Lemon and Britta Perry.  I like it, I'm gonna roll with that. 
These pictures were taken bySeth Casteel  and were posted on Twisted Sifter
Yeah, this is exactly why I don't want a big dog.  They can be so sweet and loving and gentle, but they don't know their own strength and clearly when they get excited they turn into crazy monster dogs from hell.

These next pictures are way better.  HOVER ANIMALS!
When it comes to talking about sex and gender, there are a lot of people with some very specific and very angry opinions.  Let me start out by saying that I think we have so many wonderful freedoms and liberties in America and that as a woman, I have had opportunities that I otherwise would not have had in another country or in another era.  But let's face it, there is still subtle and overt discrimination of all kinds in this world.  Women serve as the butt of many a joke.  Women are still largely understood as overly emotional people whose true purposes are domestic and sexual.  Turn on the TV at any given point during the day and that message is loud and clear. 

These messages rang true in a blog post about the gang rape of a teenage girl that Brian sent me the other day.  (Sidenote, I am so thankful to have a partner that shares my political beliefs.)  I got through most of the article then had to stop reading for a while after I read through the description of the rape.  I thought I was either going to throw up or punch someone.  The boys who raped this 16 year old girl video taped the entire rape in order to show their friends later.  Here is the gist of what happened as written by author of the blog post, linked above:

•When the tape was first discovered, this was treated as a potential homicide/necrophilia case, because Jane Doe was assumed to be a corpse. Her eyes are closed the entire time and in the words of the prosecutor she is as limp as a rag doll. •She remains unconscious as she is raped-orally, vaginally, and anally by all 3 of the defendants. They laugh and dance to a misogynistic rap track as they abuse her lifeless body.

•At one point they drop her and she hits her head on the side of the couch, hard enough to momentarily stir her from unconsciousness.

•She is thrown onto a pool table and has a Snapple bottle, a can of apple juice and a lit cigarette inserted into her vagina before she is raped vaginally and anally with a pool cue.

•While she is being raped with the pool cue, one of the boys (Greg Haidl) is seen feeling her abdomen to see how far they are able to penetrate her body. He also slaps her genitals, stomach and breasts. She remains non-responsive throughout.

•While being raped with the pool cue, she urinates-causing the boys to laugh and shriek in feigned horror and disgust.

•When they are done, they clumsily dress her body (they are unable to get her bra back on) and she wakes up covered in urine, vomit, and seminal fluid in her parked car, with no memory of what happened to her.

Scott Moxley provides further detail about the rape.

Equally as disturbing as the rape itself, is the fact that this girl was blamed for the entire liberals and conservatives alike.  As noted on Daily Kos:

"Then there is the elite defense team hired with Haidl's millions. The team included O.J. Simpson jury consultant Jo-Ellan Dimitrius, and an elite team of private investigators who distributed fliers all over Jane Doe's neighborhood, revealing her identity and purporting to be from her family. They went through her garbage and illegally released her medical records to members of the press. They contacted her high school classmates, disclosing her identity as a sexual assault victim. They were so successful in publicly identifying and smearing her that they inspired a vigilante. One night, after the first trial resulted in a hung jury, an unidentified man viciously attacked the girl he identified as Jane Doe, ambushing her outside her home and beating her in the head and face with a rock. Only problem-he got the wrong girl- a neighbor who looked like the picture on the flyer. When she screamed out "I'm not [Jane Doe's name]" the assault abruptly ended."

Equally as appalling is the fact that this victim was positioned as an oversexed slut who consented to the entire rape...despite the fact that she was unconscious. 

Like so many comments I have heard and seen before, the comments made during this trial reflect the belief that women who act in a sexually suggestive fashion, including through style of dress, deserve to be raped.  These beliefs also suggest, like the way the boys were treated during this trial, that men cannot help but have sex and in fact, should exercise force in order to get it.  No one ever deserves to be raped.  To rape someone is to rob that person of his or her soul, his or her humanity, his or her entire existence.

What kind of fucked up world are we living in where 1. a woman gets violently raped and 2. the perpetrators are guilt free.  This situation exemplifies how stupid people can be, especially women, who say that we have reached a point of gender equality.  If you believe there is equality between men and women, then you are absolutely wrong.  You just are.  In a world where women are treated like lifeless rag dolls, and on top of that are punished for being victimized, AND where  people believe this violence was warranted or at the very least, understandable, we are all in trouble. 

When I read the article below, I was happy to see that at least some people in this world believe that this life is about acknowledging other human beings' existences and being civil.

There is a great couple of lines in this article that really capture the importance of allowing people to live in ways that are non traditional:

"This law is going to enable many of us to have light, to come out of the darkness, to appear," said Sen. Osvaldo Lopez of Tierra del Fuego, the only openly gay national lawmaker in Argentina. "There are many people in our country who also deserve the power to exist," Lopez said.

This quote makes it clear that we have the power to enable others to exist and exist without fear or we have the power to deny others their humanity.  For me, it's a no brainer, but apparently the conservative political sphere is inclined to believe that we as a whole people, deserve less rights, less freedoms, less choices regarding our own bodies and lifestyles and just generally less of a say in the bureaucracy that dictates the way we live our daily lives.  

I have not made time for myself to blog in the last couple of days, which I am not particularly pleased about.  I was finishing final papers and assignments and have been just generally caught up in the pile of work that seems to come at the end of every semester.  But, by the end of the day tomorrow, I am hoping to have officially completed this semester, which will mean that I am halfway through my phd.  Wild.

Although I have not made time to write, I am still taking pictures and am excited by the prospect of blogging over the next couple of days.  It feels like I have been away from my treasured space for too long and it is time to go home...virtually anyway.

Before I jump back into picture of the day, I wanted to post this article that I came across.  It made me laugh...except that spider one...that is just terrifying. 

I came across this commercial the other day and couldn't wait to post it.  It speaks for itself. 
The other day, I found myself writing about old school Nickelodeon television programing.  These videos - Hey Arnold: The Movie - Trailer  and Doug: The Movie - Trailer - came to my attention the other day and they made me laugh...and also feel kind of creepy...and also a little terrified.  These videos are disturbing for sure, but they actually pick up on the dark, subversive elements I noted earlier.  They are a great twist on the old classics.
I know I keep posting about this damn flower...I can't help it.  Every time I see it, it has become something new.  It fascinates me to no end. 
Even though this is an advertisement that tries to appear like it isn't so much an advertisement as a rebellious life changing once in a lifetime adventure, I still think that it is an exciting video full of some amazing images and thought provoking ideas.  It's worth a watch.